
Browse our collection of over 926 broadcasts

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Husband Today

We’re all guilty of getting caught up in the daily grind. And when this happens, marriage tends to take a backseat. So what can you do? Try reconnecting with your husband by asking these 3 questions.  First, ask, “What’s one thing I can do or say to make you feel loved?” This is a great opportunity to love them in a way that only you can. Second, ask, “What would you like more of in our marriage?” Be ready to take...
Apr 24, 2015 / Wives

5 Things Parents Should Stop Doing

We’ve all done things for our kids because we love them. But what are some things we should not do because we love them. First, stop trying to be the “cool mom” or “cool dad.” Our kids don’t need us to be their pals; they need us to be their parents. Second, stop allowing them to have or do things that are not age appropriate. They are constantly pressured to grow up…fast. Let’s not accelerate their loss of...
Apr 23, 2015 / General

Why Do Men Cheat

In marriage, it’s important to know everything about your spouse—including the ways they’re tempted. So here are 3 reasons why men cheat and how you can encourage loyalty. First, men cheat because they feel emotionally and physically distant from their wives. To avoid this, regularly reconnect with your spouse by going on dates, spending time together, and being physically intimate. Second, men cheat because of...
Apr 22, 2015 / Wives

How to Identify Your Real Marriage Issues

There’s nothing simple about marriage conflict. It’s messy, it’s moody…and it’s mostly, a misunderstanding. So here are 2 ways to identify the real issues in your marriage. First, with honesty. Start with what’s on the surface—how you’re hurt over changed plans or dirty dishes in the sink. Then, share the deeper truth—how you’re really hurt…maybe because you feel neglected or not appreciated. Second, identify the...
Apr 21, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

9 Things Parents Should Never Say to Their Children

Your tongue is a wild animal that can do a ton of damage as your own scars can prove. We should never underestimate the pain that some angry or careless words can cause so here are some things that you should never say to your kids. First, never say, “Why can’t you be more like…?” Comparisons are toxic and they serve no positive purpose. Second, never say, “I don’t have time right now.” What we’re really saying...
Apr 20, 2015 / General

7 Marriage Resolutions

If you’re looking for ways to strengthen your marriage, consider these 3 marriage resolutions. First, choose to assume the best. This means trusting your spouse’s motives and actions, rather than jumping to the wrong conclusion. Second, choose to make the most of your marriage. No matter how good or bad your marriage currently is, commit to focusing on what you can do to make it better and love your spouse through...
Apr 17, 2015 / General

5 Types of Compliments to Give Your Spouse

Everyone needs to know they’re appreciated, especially in marriage. A great compliment can make your spouse’s week. For the next few days, use one of these types of compliments on your spouse. First, compliment their people skills…how they treat others. Notice when they show uncommon kindness, generosity, chivalry or patience. Say, “I really admire how kind you were to the people in that crazy, crowded store!”...
Apr 16, 2015 / Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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