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7 Sucker Punches to Stop Throwing When Fighting with Your Wife

Jun 04, 2015 / Communication     

In every marriage, conflict happens. HOW a couple argues is actually more important than IF a couple argues. Here are several ways you might not be fighting fair. First, if you bring up the past, even when it was supposedly forgiven. If something is forgiven, let it go. It shouldn’t be used as ammunition. Second, bringing the kids into your conflict is a low blow. Leave them out of it. Third, don’t sucker punch your spouse by shutting them down. Let them talk too. For more sucker punches to stop throwing when fighting with your spouse, check out my blog at  

For more on this topic from my blog, go to 7 Sucker Punches to Stop Throwing When Fighting with Your Spouse.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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