
Browse our collection of over 172 broadcasts

Why Are Your Kids Texting Not Talking?

To be fair, technology has been a part of their everyday existence in ways we could never have imagined at their age. Don’t assume the worst about your tech-obsessed child. Here are some reasons behind their habits. First, kids use technology to avoid awkward situations and conversations. Being heads down on their phones is one way to avoid that feeling.  Second, kids feel F.O.M.O. anxiety these days which means...
Mar 16, 2015 / General

Lessons Kids Need to Learn

You are your child’s best teacher—more so than their friends, their siblings, or even their favorite TV show. And, as your children’s biggest influence, you should take every opportunity to instill in them important truths. In his book Lessons Kids Need to Learn, author David Staal shares ways to teach your kids valuable lessons. Here are two of them.  First, teach them to serve others. This requires identifying...
Feb 17, 2015 / General

3 Ways to Foster Friendships Between Your Kids

From the blaming and bickering to the wailing and whining, sibling conflict can be a nightmare for parents. And who can forget their cries of, “Daaaaad, Luke isn’t being nice!” Times like these can leave us thinking that our kids’ quarreling will never end. But it can end once you learn how to foster friendship between your kids. How? First, do fun things together as a family. Playing ball in the backyard or board...
Feb 10, 2015 / General

4 Dangerous Parenting Styles

Parents have the most important job in the world: raising their children well. But to do so, parents need to know how not to raise their kids. So here are some dangerous parenting styles to avoid. First, avoid being a “Buddy Buddy” parent. These parents are more concerned about being their child’s friend than their child’s protector, provider, and leader.  Second, avoid being a “too busy to care” parent. These...
Feb 04, 2015 / General

The 12 Ways of Hands-On Parents

Being a “hands-on” parent means always making an effort to be involved in your child’s life. The Institute for Youth Development recently proved the importance of this in their report revealing that “hands-on” parents raised teens who drank, smoked, and did drugs significantly less than the general teen population. So make a difference in your child’s life by becoming a “hands-on” parent with these 3 simple steps....
Jan 30, 2015 / General

How to Recover When You "Miss a Moment" with Your Child

There will be times when you will miss a big moments in your kids’ lives—moments like their game, their school play, or even their piano recital. And whether missing these big moments is intentional or not, it still damages your relationship with your child. So here are 3 A’s to recovering when you miss a big moment with your child. First, be aware. Notice when your child is upset with you by staying tuned into...
Jan 26, 2015 / General

False Wisdom You Should Not Teach Your Kids

I have a hard time with clichés. Something sounds good so people start saying it over and over. And while they’re usually shared with good intentions, the problem remains that many clichés are skewed truth. So here are some common false pieces of wisdom you should not teach your kids. First, don’t teach them that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” There are a lot of things that may not kill you, but can...
Jan 21, 2015 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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