
Browse our collection of over 254 broadcasts

Fatherlessness: Help Me Take a Stand on Breaking the Cycle

In the early 1990s, there was a national debate about whether fathers were important or not in the lives of their kids.  Of course, we all know that fathers play a huge role in their children’s upbringing.  We conducted and found many studies that clearly revealed that fatherless kids were more likely to live in poverty, do drugs and have problems in school.  Former NFL coach Tony Dungy and I talked about this...
Jun 27, 2023 / Miscellaneous

5 Places You and Your Kids Can Serve Others

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. told us what greatness is all about. He said, “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.” One of our jobs as parents is to talk to our kids about the significance of serving others and show them how to do it. Serving others starts in your family. You don’t have to look any farther than the four walls of your home to serve others. Doing chores together around the house, such as...
Jun 16, 2023 / Character

A Father’s Legacy: Father’s Day with My Dad

Webster’s Dictionary says a legacy is “something handed down from one who has gone before.”  Fathers, we will eventually be that “one who has gone before”—we will leave a legacy…good or bad and how we live will influence our children and descendants for generations. Sure what you say to your kids is important, but what they see in you is equally important. So be a man of character, conviction, and passion. As...
Jun 09, 2023 / Holidays

Huddle Up Questions

In a sports game, you huddle up to reconnect and get back on the same page as your team mates.  In the same way, huddling up with your kids is a great way to escape the busyness of life and reconnect with them.  So huddle up with your kids tonight and use our list of 10 Huddle Up Questions.  Try asking, “What was one of your biggest mistakes and what did you learn from it?” or “What is the most important thing I...
Jun 07, 2023 / Relationships and Communication

Why Busyness is Not a Badge of Honor

Not many days go by without someone telling me how busy they are.  They explain how they’re swamped with work or with kids or with traveling.  I’ve said the same kind of things. But the odd thing is how some people say how busy they are with a sense of pride. They equate busyness with value, with importance, and with honor.  Here are 3 reasons why busyness is not a badge of honor.  First, it harms our kids.  When...
Jun 06, 2023 / Family Living

20 Questions to Ask Your Child

To really love your child, you must know them.  And knowing your child comes through spending time talking with them.  My wife has done an awesome job of this with her “Pillow Talk” questions—open-ended questions she asks to get our kids talking.  This way, they were able to stay connected in the midst of their busy lives.  I encourage you to share meaningful conversations with your kids by using these 20...
Jun 05, 2023 / Relationships and Communication

Write to Right a Wrong

You've heard that two wrongs don't make a right, but it's possible that you can right a wrong with the written word. Maybe this has happened to you. You say something in the heat of the moment, you take a joke too far; someone you love gets hurt. You need to apologize, right? Why not try something a little different. Write it out in a note, you can even use our free stationery. A note can be a well thought...
Apr 21, 2022 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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