
Browse our collection of over 258 broadcasts

“Throwback Thursdays” for Your Family

The best evenings at home with my kids weren’t spent with each of us with our fingers on our smart phones or watching TV.  The best times were nights when we sat around on the floor and played Monopoly, a game of cards; or, when we played kick ball in the back yard. “Throwback Thursday” is a day when we can look back on how things used to be and post a picture from long ago. Maybe we could take the idea a step...
Mar 04, 2019 / Family Time & Vacations

5 Hard Topics to Talk About for Kids

In the midst of all the things we need to do for our kids, we sometimes forget that one of our biggest responsibilities is to communicate with them.  As our children grow older, certain topics should be discussed.  These topics aren’t always easy or fun, but they’re important.  So here are 5 hard topics you need to talk about with your kids.  First, talk about sex.  While it may be an uncomfortable conversation,...
May 28, 2018 / Relationships and Communication

Putting “Memorial” Back into Memorial Day

Since our nation first began fighting for independence in 1775, more than one million Americans have lost their lives serving our country.  To honor these fallen soldiers, Memorial Day was established.  This day was set aside to celebrate patriotism through parades, picnics, and plenty of food.  Unfortunately, Memorial Day in our culture has turned into just another 3 day weekend.  So here are some simple ways to...
May 24, 2018 / Holidays

How to Practice Patience

Patience has always been one of my biggest struggles.  Can you relate? If so, here are 3 ways to help you practice patience. First, understand what triggers impatience. Impatience often occurs when we don’t get what we want when we want it. There are a couple of things that can trigger it. We get impatient when circumstances don’t conform to our expectations—long lines at the store, traffic jams, and flight delays...
May 09, 2018 / Character

5 Ways to Hug a Porcupine

It’s easy to love people who are loveable. But what about those who aren’t? It’s hard to hug prickly porcupine people but I’ve got some ways you can do it. First, hug the porcupine with your arms. This one’s obvious…sometimes a porcupine just needs your arms around them. Second, hug the porcupine with your hands. This is practical love. For example, if your spouse is overwhelmed, take the burden off them by...
Sep 29, 2017 / Relationships and Communication

What will the face of your family look like in 25 years?

Can you imagine a place where families experience the fullness of love in their relationships? I’m Mark Merrill with today’s Family Minute. We are celebrating 25 years here at Family First and our goal is just that. Love will never be perfected on this side of heaven, but we can move toward a place where things are more like what they’re supposed to be. We can get closer and pursue a destination: Where every...
Sep 18, 2017 / Family Living

The Best Conversation Starters for Teenagers

Sometimes it can be difficult to find common ground with our teen.  But with some alone time and fun questions, connecting with your teen can be easier.  To help you get started, I’ve compiled a list of conversation starters.  These questions will help you to deepen your relationship with your teenager, as well as share some laughs and build memories together.  Some questions to ask your teen include, “If you...
Jan 10, 2017 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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