
Browse our collection of over 928 broadcasts

Teaching Compassion to Children

Think back to your school days.  Remember the child who was different?  Maybe he wore old clothes, had a disability or didn’t look like everyone else. Maybe he always got picked last for the team because he was uncoordinated or simply unpopular.  Well, these children are still around.  That’s why it’s important that we teach our children to be compassionate—to be kind to children who are different… instead of...
May 17, 2013 / General

5 Ways Not to Communicate with Your Husband

“He just doesn’t understand.” Or, “He doesn’t listen,” you say. Well, that may be because you’re communicating with him the wrong way. Here are 5 Ways Not to Communicate with Your Husband. First, with bad timing. There are certain times that your husband does not want you to unload problems on him or give him a list of things he needs to do. When he walks in the door after work, when he’s eating dinner, when he’s...
May 16, 2013 / Communication

Expectations for a Great Marriage

Many people think marriage is the “happily ever after” relationship told in fairy tales.  Before walking down the aisle, many envision their future spouse to be a constant, caring companion.  They imagine that they’ll never have conflict.  And they think the love they feel on their wedding day will last forever.  But the reality is quite different.  So, what should you expect?  You should expect disagreements,...
May 15, 2013 / General

Dealing with Your Angry Child

First, deal with those intense emotions by calmly removing your child from the situation and sending him to his room to think about it…the fewer words you use to do this, the better. Second, when you sense he is ready, ask your child to write down what he’s angry about and why he’s angry…writing it down works because it activates reflective thinking in a child.  After the note is written, discuss it with your...
May 14, 2013 / General

Lie #1: You Can Be Anything You Want to Be

Every Monday for the next 5 weeks, I’ll be talking about 5 lies that can hurt your child.  The first lie we tell our kids is, “You can be anything you want to be.”  But that’s just not true.  Now, in all fairness to us parents, our intention is not to lie…that word may be a bit too much.  We say it because we want to encourage and inspire them.  The problem is that saying, “You can be anything” is that we may be...
May 13, 2013 / General

Mother's Day Gifts

Maybe you’re buying your wife or mother some flowers or you’re taking her out for a nice lunch. Well all that is wonderful but be sure to help your children honor Mom too. If they’re really small let them color a card for her – or you buy one and let them scribble on it. If your kids are older have them use some of their allowance money to get her something of their choosing. This will help teach your children...
May 10, 2013 / Holidays

Things Every Parent Should Say

That’s a strange question, but one that every parent needs to be able to answer.  Sure, your kids know you love them, but they also want to know why you love them.  They need to know that you don’t love them because they get good grades, because they’re a star athlete, or because they’re super talented.  They need to know that you do love them for who they are…an incredible creation with infinite value, dignity...
May 09, 2013 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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