
Browse our collection of over 938 broadcasts

How to Earn the Respect of Your Spouse

When it comes to making decisions, marital tension can rise more than a few degrees.  Do you respect your spouse’s judgment? If you have a foundation of mutual respect and love, the temperature can stay cool and comfortable.  So, here are some ways to regulate that marital thermostat and earn your spouse’s respect.  First, love your spouse.  Without genuine, selfless, unconditional love, nothing will succeed,...
Jun 27, 2013 / Communication

The Top 10 Marriage Fights

A fascinating Civil War story happened in Winchester, Virginia.  During the conflict, the city changed hands between the North and the South over 70 times!  Talk about fighting the same battle over and over again.  The same thing happens in marriage. We often fight about the same issues.  She doesn’t communicate well enough.  He doesn’t really listen to her.  He spends too much time working.  She spends too much...
Jun 26, 2013 / Communication

How to Revive Your Marriage

It can happen without you even realizing it… you get married, days go by, years go by, and then—boom!  Your marriage is in trouble.  So what do you do?  Commit to rebuild your relationship with your spouse. The rebuilding process will take patience, determination, forgiveness, and honesty from both parties. If your marriage is really in trouble, here are 4 steps to marriage CPR. Along the way to rebuilding your...
Jun 25, 2013 / Saving Your Marriage

What Your Greatest Fear Should Be

Tim Kizziar once said, “Our greatest fear…should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.”  Is there anything worse than giving something all you’ve got when, in the end, it amounts to nothing? Determining where to invest your time and energy can be tough. Be sure to limit the time you spend on things in life that don’t really matter in the end…things like the pursuit of...
Jun 24, 2013 / Inspirational

Elephant Memory and Praising Your Kids

An elephant never forgets.  When they are too small to escape, we train elephants in captivity by shackling their ankles and staking them down. They try and try to tug away from their bonds; but they eventually learn they can't get loose. That’s when their “elephant memory” takes over.  For the rest of their lives they remember that they can't get away.  In the same way, when someone makes a careless or...
Jun 21, 2013 / Family Living

The Greatest Question Ever

Author Andy Stanley says when it comes to making decisions you shouldn’t ask “What’s the right thing for me to do?” but “What’s the wise thing for me to do?”  There are three filters you need to consider as you ask this question: Is this wise in light of your past experiences, your present circumstances, and your future hopes and dreams? Good decision-making is more than simply choosing between right and wrong, or...
Jun 20, 2013 / Inspirational

How to Raise Confident Kids

In the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, Will Smith plays a single father facing some tough stuff, along with his son.  Yet, Smith’s character maintains his self-confidence. He is determined to create a better life for himself and his son.  As a parent, it’s so important to have a strategy to build confidence in our kids in a world that constantly tells them they can’t. First, start by listening to your child. ...
Jun 19, 2013 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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