
Browse our collection of over 928 broadcasts

How to Create Boundaries for Your Kids

Okay, imagine you’re at a basketball game. But in this arena, there are no rules and no boundaries. After the whistle blows, the players fight for the ball, fall to the floor and start wrestling. It’s pure chaos. I know that illustration is crazy, but it shows the importance of having rules and boundaries in the game and what happens when they’re not present. Just as the boundaries on the basketball court...
May 07, 2013 / General

5 Reasons Why Your Teen is Rebelling

The teen years arrive and many parents look back and now think the toddler, tike and even tween years were just a stroll in the park compared to what they are experiencing now. Why?  Here are 5 reasons why your teen may be rebelling. First, they are struggling for identity. Your teen is trying to answer the question, “Who am I?” They’re also seeking validation in who they are as a person, not in their performance....
May 06, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Children and Cheating

My kids have said to me, “Dad, everybody cheats at school!”  Well, it may not be everybody, but a recent survey says three out of four high school students admitted to cheating on an exam at least once in the past year. Their reason? They say that it’s ok to cheat if you need to make a good grade…but it's not. Tell your children why cheating is wrong. First, cheating is stealing…and that’s against the law. ...
Apr 05, 2013 / Discipline

How to Know if You're a Workaholic

A University of North Carolina study found that children of workaholics have the same levels of anxiety and depression as children of alcoholics. Scary, isn’t it? So how do you know if you're working too much? Well, are you more excited about going to work than spending time with your family? Do you take work home with you? Do you work on weekends. . . and even on vacation? Does work preoccupy your thoughts? Have...
Apr 04, 2013 / Career & Finances

The Truth about Marriage

Marriage is really hard…. and takes a lot of work.  Even after all that hard work, I still mess up.  I mean, I want an awesome marriage, but I still DO the things I shouldn’t, and DON’T do the things I should.  One day I praise her, the next I put her down.  One day I’m happy with her, the next I’m angry. So, what can I do?  Sure, I’ll ask for forgiveness, and I’ll work to handle it the right way next time.  But...
Apr 03, 2013 / General

How to Parent by Example

Last night, as I stood at the kitchen sink, my son tried to push me aside, without saying a word.  Well, rather than just correct him, my wife and I decided to employ a little role-play.  As I stood at the sink again, she played the role of my son and said, “Dad, will you please excuse me?  I’d like to wash my hands.”  I said, “Sure, come on in.” and then moved out of the way.  You see, telling our kids how to do...
Apr 02, 2013 / General

Resurrect a Dying Marriage

You feel like it’s flat lined.  There’s no pulse—not a breath of life remains.  Before you pronounce it dead on arrival, there are four basic tools you can use to resurrect that dying relationship.  First, patience.  It took time for your relationship to need resuscitation; it will take time for it to get well again. Second, determination.  Choose to be committed to each other for life, no matter what, and work...
Mar 29, 2013 / Saving Your Marriage



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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