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The Wildest Part of Your Body

It’s your tongue. The power of the tongue is so great that it’s capable of discouraging or encouraging, hurting or healing, tearing down or building up. And when you’re tired, irritable, sick, or under a lot of pressure, it’s easy to lose control and say things you later regret. It’s during those times that you must remember that your tongue is a wild animal. You need to chain it, tame it, and train it. Chain it...
Jul 10, 2015 / Relationships and Communication

How to Create Healthy Boundaries for Rebellious Teens

Imagine watching a basketball game without any rules or boundaries. It’d be completely chaotic, right? Well in the same way, parenting without rules or boundaries would be absolute chaos. So today, let’s figure out a game plan to create healthy boundaries for your rebellious teen. First, establish a sideline of rules. It’s important to clarify what you expect of your teen—expectations like being honest,...
Jul 09, 2015 / Discipline

4 Foundational Principles of Discipline for You Kids

You’ve probably noticed by now that each child is very unique. And that means that you need to uniquely discipline them when they’ve disobeyed you. Each child responds to different forms of discipline. Having said that, there are 4 foundational principles of discipline that always apply when you correct your child. First, be unified. Make sure you and your spouse agree on how you’ll discipline your kids. Second,...
Jul 08, 2015 / Discipline

How to Agreeably Disagree with Your Spouse

Every marriage is full of tough decisions that sometimes lead couples to disagree. But you can disagree in a kind and loving way. So here are 3 agreeable ways to disagree with your spouse. First, disagree with affirmation. Start off well by validating their position and by finding common ground with your spouse. Second, disagree with kindness. Disagreements are much more effective when each spouse agrees to use...
Jul 07, 2015 / Communication

Setting Healthy Boundaries for Growing Kids

Like in sports, setting clear boundaries for your kids is important and it requires intentional planning. So here are 3 healthy boundaries for growing kids. First, establish tight, four square court boundaries for toddlers. Because when kids are young, it’s important to make basic decisions for them—things like what they’ll eat, what they’ll wear, and what they’ll watch. Second, expand to larger football field...
Jul 06, 2015 / Discipline

The 7 Marks of Maturity

When they can demonstrate maturity. Your teen may look like an adult physically, but emotionally still be childlike. You can’t stand Tommy up against a doorjamb and mark his emotional growth like you measured his height. Instead, you have to look for other marks to see growing maturity. Leadership expert Dr. Tim Elmore has compiled a list of 7 Marks of Maturity. First, a mature person demonstrates the ability to...
Jul 03, 2015 / General

Why Couples Remember Things Differently

For many couples, conflict occurs because they remember things differently. Sometimes the actual details are clear-cut, and a cool review and discussion will sort things out. But often it's just that men and women simply remember things differently because their brains are wired differently. It's why men are often single-minded and women can more easily multitask. When dealing with an important issue you each...
Jul 02, 2015 / Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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