
Browse our collection of over 25 broadcasts

7 Things Husbands Should Stop Doing

My wife, Susan, and I recently kicked around some things husbands should stop doing. Here are some at the top of the list. First, stop telling your wife you understand what she’s feeling when you haven’t listened to what she’s saying. Susan has helped me with this one. At times, I think I’ve heard her but really haven’t understood her. Second, when your wife shares a problem she’s having, stop trying to solve it....
Jan 19, 2015 / Husbands

The Marriage Bucket List for Men

Did you see the 2007 movie Bucket List? It’s about two men who decide to chase their dreams when they find out they don’t have much longer to live.  The movie sparked many to start thinking about what they’d include on their own bucket list.  While a list like this can often seem overwhelming, our All Pro Dad program has created a doable marriage bucket list for you.  Here are a few ideas. First, plan and execute...
Mar 20, 2014 / Husbands

How to Help Your Wife Feel Secure

Days can be filled with so much insecurity…insecurity about a job, about paying this month’s bills, about a parent’s health, about a child making wise choices.  But when it comes to marriage, it’s really important for your wife to feel a sense of security.  How can you help? First, help her be secure in your finances.  Keep your finances strong by working hard to provide for your family, creating a budget, and...
Dec 23, 2013 / Husbands

10 More Things Wives Want to Hear from Their Husbands

Every woman lives to be loved. So today, I’m giving you 10 things to say to your wife that will show your love and breathe life into her soul. Number 1, “I’m your biggest fan.”  Number 2, “I’m thankful for the little things you do.”  Number 3, “Let’s take a walk together.”  Number 4, “I miss you when we’re apart.”  Number 5, “I’m here for you.”  Number 6, “You’ll always have me by your side.”  Number 7, “I want to...
Dec 10, 2013 / Husbands

Confession: I Expect Too Much From My Wife

It’s natural for us to expect things from people.  We expect hard work from our co-workers, obedience from our kids, and support from our friends.  But when it comes to our spouses, the bar can sometimes be raised unreasonably high.  I confess, I expect too much from my wife.  First, I expect my wife to be the mediator between me and my children.  Rather than handle situations on my own, I delegate conflict to her...
Nov 18, 2013 / Husbands

5 Common Mistakes Men Make in Marriage

We all make mistakes.  That’s a given.  Here are 5 of the biggest mistakes men make in marriage.  First, they don’t think of the needs of their spouse.  So, when you schedule a date night with your wife, plan ahead.  Don’t wait until you are ready to walk out the door and say “what do you feel like doing?”  Second, they don’t listen. Don’t assume you know what she is going to say.  Just listen. Third, they try to...
Nov 04, 2013 / Husbands

How to Make Your Wife Feel Beautiful

In today’s world, women have an unrealistic bar set for them in the beauty department.  No one can measure up – not even the air-brushed models.  But, if you believe your wife is beautiful, she will be.  Nothing is more important to a woman than what she sees in the mirror of her husband’s opinion.  So, what can you do?  First, tell her she’s beautiful and mean it.  She’ll feel transformed.  Second, make sure she...
Aug 22, 2013 / Husbands



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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