
Browse our collection of over 258 broadcasts

The Effects of Divorce on Teens

Divorce is never easy on anyone, but teens often channel their emotions into destructive behaviors. A recent survey from Pediatrics journal shows that teens of divorcing families are twice as likely to use drugs or alcohol. They are also more likely to act out through physical fighting, property damage, and stealing. Others may experience depression and anxiety. But the good news is that parental support can...
Jan 01, 1970 / Relationships and Communication

Make Time for What’s Really Important

There's no such thing as not having time. When we say "I don't have time," what we're really saying is that we don't choose to make certain things a priority right now, or, there's something else we'd rather be doing. Think about all the demands on your schedule and take a look at the things you spend the most time on. The truth is we make time for the things we want to make time for. But that isn't always...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

Make the Most of Your Time

This Sunday, Daylight Savings Time ends – which means the days will seem shorter. As if they're not short enough already! As they say, there's only so much time in a day. Everything we say "yes" to takes time away from something – or someone – else. Usually it's our spouse or our children. We've got to say "no" to more outside things – "no" to that dinner meeting, "no" to joining that committee, "no" to that golf...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

iMOM Movie Monitor

Every year, there is a huge movie push from Hollywood to take advantage of the holidays. The problem is that we often don't know whether the movie is truly suitable for our children until the money is paid, the popcorn is purchased, and the show has started. Well, this year, you don't have to worry about that. Is Tron: Legacy okay for your kids and teens? Want to know if Gulliver's Travels is family friendly? Find...
Jan 01, 1970 / Kids & Culture

Workaholic Parents

A University of North Carolina study found that children of workaholics have the same levels of anxiety and depression as children of alcoholics. Scary, isn't it? So how do you know if you're working too much? Well, are you more excited about going to work than spending time with your family? Do you take work home with you? Do you work on weekends. . . and even on vacation? Does your work preoccupy your thoughts?...
Jan 01, 1970 / Career & Finances

Bowl Them Over

Ninety million people will be glued to the television this Super Bowl Sunday. If you plan on watching the game, why not make it a family affair? Start with a game plan for the day. It might include firing up the grill, or letting each child choose something they want to eat. You can also have each family member rate the new Super Bowl commercials or predict the score at the end of each quarter. Give prizes to the...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

4th of July Quiz

Give your kids a quiz. Make it fun and award a prize to the one who gets the most answers right. You can use questions like: "Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? Who sewed the first American flag? And, who was the king of England during the Revolutionary War?" Do you know the answers? Well, to get them, and to find more questions for your own 4th of July quiz, go here. It's a great way to teach your...
Jan 01, 1970 / Holidays



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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