
Browse our collection of over 337 broadcasts

How Do You Know That You're Loving Your Children Well?

Every child wants to be loved.  As their parent, it’s up to you to love your kids, but you have to be intentional to love them well.  So here are 7 Love Actions.  First, you can show your kids you love them with your words.  Never assume they know you love them.  Be sure to tell them, and tell them often.  Second, show your kids love by spending time with them.  Toss the football, go for a bike ride, or read them...
Jan 23, 2024 / General

The Weight of the World and Single Parenting

If you really want to know, ask a single parent.  Their job is never-ending.  Their work is never done.  Day after day they carry the load…alone.  No wonder they often feel like they have the whole world on their shoulders.  So how can we help single moms and dads?  Start with the little things. The next time you’re washing the car, offer to wash theirs too.  Drop off dinner, or watch their children for the...
Jan 22, 2024 / Single Parenting

How to Be More Than a “Good Enough” Father

In the movie, Courageous, Alex says he doesn’t want to be a “good enough” father.  He wants to be more.  Do you? Are your kids your priority?  Do you attend their recitals or games?  How much time do you spend with your children each week? Here’s a thought–calendar your kids!  Children spell love T-I-M-E. Pick a time each week for each child. Mark it on your calendar, and spend one-on-one time together – even if...
Jan 19, 2024 / Fatherhood

The Secret to Raising Selfless Kids

The secret is to help them establish core convictions in their hearts… convictions that will define the way they look at themselves and relate to others. Family expert Dr. Tim Kimmel identifies four things our kids need to form deep convictions about: family, friends, faith, and freedom. Knowing what they are committed to will help your children focus less on themselves and more on others.  So, talk to your kids...
Jan 11, 2024 / General

10 Texts to Send Your Kids or Grandkids in the Next 10 Days

Susan and I often use texting to encourage our kids. Sure, there is no substitute for face-to-face conversations or talking on the phone, but texting is often an easy way to quickly communicate with our children. I want to inspire you to send one text message to each of your kids or grandkids each day over the next ten days. Here are a few ideas to help you get started. You can text, “You're an incredible young...
Dec 28, 2023 / General

5 Ways to Be a Kind Mom

We all know the different types of moms. There are the feisty moms, the quiet moms, the controlling moms, and the relaxed moms. But there’s one thing that each of these moms has in common: The ability to be kind to their child. Though we often equate kindness with being weak, we must understand that being kind means using our words and actions to build up our children for good. So, here are 3 ways to be a kind...
Dec 27, 2023 / Motherhood

5 Ways to Be Your Daughter's Hero

When my daughters were young, it was easy to be their hero. All I had to do was carry them around the house on my shoulders or read them their favorite story. As my daughters have grown, so has my relationship with them. I’ve found more ways to be their hero. Here are a couple of things I do and you can too. First, tell her she is beautiful through your words and your actions. Second, take an interest in her life...
Dec 26, 2023 / Fatherhood



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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