
Browse our collection of over 342 broadcasts

5 Ways to Teach Your Teen How to Think Critically

Sure, you can respond with a “yes, you can go” or “no, you can’t go.” But there’s a better way. That better way is to ask them good questions that may lead them to their own answer. You can ask them information questions like, “Where are you going?” and “Will their parents be there?” You can ask what if questions, “If someone brings alcohol or drugs, what are you going to do?” Finally, you can ask them consequence...
Oct 13, 2023 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

How to Prevent Video Game Addiction

Many kids would rather stare at a screen than stare at the pages of a book. And when playing video games becomes obsessive and all consuming, then problems will soon follow. The signs for addiction are obvious.  It’s the 8-year-old who has a meltdown when he’s told to put his iPad away. It’s the teenager who lets his grades slip because he can’t turn off the Xbox. To help control this growing issue, here are ways...
Oct 12, 2023 / General

Ladies First: Four Benefits of Showing Chivalry to Your Spouse and Daughter

Chivalry is not an archaic, medieval concept. It’s something that should be alive and well in our culture today. Our world needs more civility, common sense, kindness, and chivalry. Chivalry is displayed when a man honors a woman…is courteous and polite to her. So men, here are ways your kids benefit from your chivalrous deeds. First, you’re showing your children that seeing the needs of others and serving them is...
Oct 11, 2023 / Fatherhood

5 Things Not to Say to Your Kids

Words matter. Words either build up or tear down. And, as parents, we can never underestimate the power that a few careless words will have on our kids. Here are some things not to say to your kids. First, don’t say nothing. When a dad chooses work or television or friends or sports over his child, the impact is lifelong. Be sure to share conversations with your children daily to build a deep, lasting...
Oct 10, 2023 / General

Why You Should Invest in Your Adult Child's Friends

Our kids are now all out of the house in college or starting a career.  But we still get to spend a lot of time with them. We like hanging out with them and with their friends. I think it’s fair to say that their friends enjoy time with us too. It’s because we invest in them. How? First, we’re available to them. Just like with our own kids, we’re available when asked to coach them and help them with anything they...
Oct 09, 2023 / General

How to Apologize: When Sorry Doesn't Cut It

As your child grows up, they will develop many relationships. But in those relationships, they are bound to make mistakes. That’s why it’s so important to teach your child what a true apology looks like. Here are some ways to do so. First, teach them that a lack of intent doesn’t excuse them from apologizing. Whether your child’s actions were purposeful or accidental, be sure they know to apologize no matter what....
Oct 05, 2023 / General

How to Interview Your Daughter's Date

If you were to take just 30 minutes to interview your daughter’s potential date, you would be able to learn a lot about him, while setting clear expectations for him. Here are a few key steps to consider: First, have your daughter prepared to tell any guy that asks her out to call you first before answering him. This makes you her first line of defense. And it sets up the interview itself. But it also allows you...
Oct 04, 2023 / Fatherhood



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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