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The Truth about Porn Moms Need to Know

Apr 03, 2015 / Motherhood     

Pornography presents a distorted view of sex. It undermines a young person’s ability to enjoy a natural, loving, sexual relationship in marriage one day. So to help your child avoid being crippled by pornography, here are 2 truths you need to know. First, your child may have already seen porn online. Unfortunately, research reveals 90% of teen boys and 60% of teen girls have seen some form of pornography. To help recover, it’s important that you safeguard all of your child’s devices—their phones, computers, and iPads. Second, pornography is incredibly addictive. Once they get into the habit, it will take lots of encouragement and extreme measures to break. So be sure to teach your child the dangers of porn at an early age.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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