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6 Ways to Have a Positive Influence on Your Child

Aug 20, 2015 / General     

Every parent wonders, sooner or later, if the values they are teaching their kids will actually stick with them. Personal experience and visits with hundreds of parents have convinced me that planting certain seeds in your child’s life will strengthen your positive influence on them.  Here are a few of those seeds. First, focus on making memories that will last. Camping, fishing, hiking, biking, family vacations…are all things that will create memories.   Second, teach life lessons. Keeping your eyes open for “teachable moments” is critical to some of the biggest life lessons your kids will learn. Third, train in truth. Help them to understand the importance of always speaking the truth and living by the truth. 

For more on this topic on my blog, go to



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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