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5 Things Parents Should Stop Doing

Apr 23, 2015 / General     

We’ve all done things for our kids because we love them. But what are some things we should not do because we love them. First, stop trying to be the “cool mom” or “cool dad.” Our kids don’t need us to be their pals; they need us to be their parents. Second, stop allowing them to have or do things that are not age appropriate. They are constantly pressured to grow up…fast. Let’s not accelerate their loss of innocence by exposing them to things they are not ready for, even when they beg us. Third, stop living vicariously through them. Let them have their dreams and disappointments. It’s their turn. Read more things you should stop doing to show your love to your child.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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