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5 Ways Dads Can Turn Chronic Failure into Success

May 14, 2018 / Fatherhood     

There will come a time in every man’s life when he finds himself in a season when he feels like failure.  It’s a time when you seem to continually mess up at work, in your marriage, and as a parent.  But it’s important to keep in mind that struggles put you in a great position to grow and move forward.  Here are 5 ways dads can turn failure into success.  First, you must learn that parenting is a team sport.  Whether you find your support from a spouse or a close friend, it’s important that you have people to turn to when the going gets rough.  Second, learn to be an encourager.  Here are the rest of the 5 Ways Dads Can Turn Chronic Failure into Success.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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