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How to Identify Your Real Marriage Issues

Apr 21, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage     

There’s nothing simple about marriage conflict. It’s messy, it’s moody…and it’s mostly, a misunderstanding. So here are 2 ways to identify the real issues in your marriage. First, with honesty. Start with what’s on the surface—how you’re hurt over changed plans or dirty dishes in the sink. Then, share the deeper truth—how you’re really hurt…maybe because you feel neglected or not appreciated. Second, identify the issues with patience. All around you, things are moving at 100 mph—so it’s no wonder you expect marriage conflict to be dealt with quickly. But the key is to be patient in talking things through as a couple. Always be willing to get to the heart of the issues in your marriage. For more on how to identify your real marriage issues, listen to today’s Family First podcast.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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