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5 Things Men Must Know about Women

Jan 01, 1970 / Husbands     

This week we are featuring the 5 most popular Family Minutes from 2010. Today is Number 5...

That's often a source of confusion and comedy for men. But understanding what a woman wants is no laughing matter. In her book, For Men Only, Shaunti Feldhahn breaks it down for us. She says that men need to understand that a woman wants to go beyond logic and knowledge in relationships. Women need to "feel" five things. They need to feel loved, they need to feel understood, they need to feel emotionally secure, they need to feel that we are listening to them, and they need to feel beautiful. If you really want to know how to give your woman what she desires, join me on my blog.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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