
Browse our collection of over 66 broadcasts

5 Ways to Hug a Porcupine

It’s easy to love people who are loveable. But what about those who aren’t? It’s hard to hug prickly porcupine people but I’ve got some ways you can do it. First, hug the porcupine with your arms. This one’s obvious…sometimes a porcupine just needs your arms around them. Second, hug the porcupine with your hands. This is practical love. For example, if your spouse is overwhelmed, take the burden off them by...
Sep 29, 2017 / Relationships and Communication

The Best Conversation Starters for Teenagers

Sometimes it can be difficult to find common ground with our teen.  But with some alone time and fun questions, connecting with your teen can be easier.  To help you get started, I’ve compiled a list of conversation starters.  These questions will help you to deepen your relationship with your teenager, as well as share some laughs and build memories together.  Some questions to ask your teen include, “If you...
Jan 10, 2017 / Relationships and Communication

How to Form Authentic Relationships with Jon Erwin (Podcast)

It's easy to find a fair-weather friend. But how do you find someone to stand with you through the storms? Well, the new movie Woodlawn shows us that authentic relationships require evaluation, reconciliation, and restoration... First, authentic relationships require evaluation. As you develop a deep connection with someone, it's crucial to honestly evaluate where you are in your relationship. Are there any wrongs...
Oct 13, 2015 / Relationships and Communication

What I'd Do Differently if Today Were My Last Day

In the new movie 90 Minutes in Heaven, Don Piper came back to life after a head-on collision with an 18-wheeler. His incredible story got me thinking what I’d do differently if today was my last day.   First, I’d pour out my love to my wife and children.  There’s no one on earth I love more so I need to show it more. Second, I’d spend all my time with my family.  My family is a top priority and the best of my time...
Sep 10, 2015 / Relationships and Communication

6 Ways Your Posture Can Build Healthy Relationships

If your mom nagged you about the importance of good posture, she knew what she was talking about.  Good physical posture can have positive effects. The same thing is true in relationships. Good relational posture is also important.  For healthier relationships, start with a posture of humility. Humility acknowledges that you need other people—and not just to do what you want them to. Humility recognizes other...
Aug 24, 2015 / Relationships and Communication

Identity v. Image

If you look at how many of us live our lives, you would think the answer is clear… image.  Your image is how you’re viewed by others.  We spend a lot of time creating our image… with our house, our car, our clothes, our friends . . . just so people will see us a certain way.  Sometimes it’s real, sometimes it’s not.  But your identity is what’s more important. Your identity lies in who you are, not in what you do...
Aug 12, 2015 / Relationships and Communication

Putting Your Family First with Michael W. Smith

Putting our families first is easier said than done. Why? Because we get busy…we get distracted. Today, I’m going to share 3 ways to put your family first. Number One: Be intentional with your TIME. That means taking the time to have fun with your family—whether it’s eating a meal together, taking a bike ride or tossing the football. Number Two: Be intentional with your WORDS. Always look for new ways to affirm...
Aug 04, 2015 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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