
Browse our collection of over 258 broadcasts

Dealing with Emotional Wounds

We've all been wounded in life. Sometimes by others… a parent who walked out, a spouse who abused you, a child who rebelled. Sometimes it was self-inflicted… bad choices that led to an addiction, an extramarital affair, or a devastating accident. If emotional wounds go untreated, they can cause even bigger problems: depression, bitterness, a lack of trust in relationships. Once the wound is healed, sure, there...
Jan 01, 1970 / Coping & Loss

Picnic = Summer Fun!

There's nothing to do! I'm bored!" Sound familiar? Wasn't it just yesterday that everyone was excited about school being out? But just a few weeks in, and you're pulling your hair out for some ideas to entertain the troops that won't cost an arm and a leg. Well, no need to worry. July is Picnic Month, so take your PB&J, and head out for a little lunch on the lawn. Better yet, try a change of scenery…load the...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

Face to Face with Tragedy

Japan has faced more than its share of tragedy lately. They've suffered through a catastrophic tsunami, record flooding and even nuclear disaster. The country could have responded by just giving up. There could have been looting and violence in the aftermath of the disasters. Instead, the Japanese people have responded by showing each other honor and grace as they face an uncertain future. We can learn from that....
Jan 01, 1970 / Coping & Loss

4 R’s for Controlling Technology

We've powered up our laptops, phones and video games. We've powered down family meals, drive-time conversations and date nights with our spouse. We've increased tech and decreased touch. What can we do about it? Just remember these four R's. First, Recognize that you can control technology. Second, Remember that your children will learn more from your online actions than your offline words. Third, Require...
Jan 01, 1970 / Relationships and Communication

4 Things to Do to Honor Your Parents

Honor them! Whether you're 5 or 50, you should honor your mother and father. How? First, pick up the phone tonight and tell them that you are thankful for the good things they did for you growing up. Second, realize that it's never too late to apologize, or forgive. Third, make it a point to enjoy their company whenever you have the opportunity. Invite them over for dinner and serve them for a change. ...
Jan 01, 1970 / Relationships and Communication

Home Organization 101

The stairs are piled high with dirty laundry and crumbled up homework.  The toy room is a sea of puzzle pieces and too many action figures to count.  And forget finding any pair of shoes in the hall closet that actually go together.  Sound like your home?  If so, it may be time for your family to get organized with these tips.  First, clean up the kids’ rooms and toy room.  Try storing toys in bins on low shelves...
May 12, 0018 / Family Living



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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