
Browse our collection of over 939 broadcasts

How Do Fathers Affect the Lives of Their Children?

In 1909, Sonora Dodd created the concept of Fathers' Day to celebrate the many sacrifices her father had made to preserve his family after her mother had died. She described her father as a selfless, courageous and loving man. Today, more than 100 Fathers' Days later, more than 24 million children in America live in fatherless homes. The absence of fathers from their children's lives has led to poverty, low...
Jan 01, 1970 / Fatherhood

Calling All Dads!

It's tough to stay in touch with your kids when you spend most of your time at work… and they spend most of their time in the classroom. One family handles it this way: When the kids get home from school, the first thing they do—even before they head to the refrigerator—is call their father. It's not just a once-in-a-while thing. Dad puts it on his calendar… and sets that time aside every day, so he'll be free...
Jan 01, 1970 / Fatherhood

Bleep my Dad Says

There's a controversial new television show called Bleep my Dad Says. It's based on the colorful and irreverent exchanges between a father and his son. What began as a Twitter feed became a book, and now a syndicated sit-com, of profanity-laced life-lessons. Your children WILL repeat what you say, good and bad. So be mindful of your conversations, not only when you talk to them, but also with others. Will you...
Jan 01, 1970 / Fatherhood

Tech-Savvy Summer Memories

One mom I know asked her four-year-old to tell her his favorite things about their recent trip. She wrote down his answers and put them in their vacation scrapbook. A dad uses his smartphone to make short videos of his kids that he uploads to YouTube for friends and family to view. Another parent uses a digital camera to catch candid moments throughout the summer, then they take the pictures and make a slide show...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

Denise Jonas on Motherhood

As the mom of superstar sons, the Jonas Brothers, Denise Jonas has learned to maintain an atmosphere of harmony—both at home and on the road by making family her first priority. In a list called 10 Things Motherhood Has Taught Me, Denise wrote: "The world presses in with schedules, expectations and exhaustion. How my children withstand that has everything to do with what's inside them. We don't just assume our...
Jan 01, 1970 / Motherhood

Dealing with Emotional Wounds

We've all been wounded in life. Sometimes by others… a parent who walked out, a spouse who abused you, a child who rebelled. Sometimes it was self-inflicted… bad choices that led to an addiction, an extramarital affair, or a devastating accident. If emotional wounds go untreated, they can cause even bigger problems: depression, bitterness, a lack of trust in relationships. Once the wound is healed, sure, there...
Jan 01, 1970 / Coping & Loss

Do You Remember?

Do you remember your first date with your wife? What about the first time your husband kissed you? Thinking back to those early days of dating is a great way to rekindle the passion in your relationship. If it's possible, re-create your first date or re-enact your marriage proposal. Spend time just sitting on the couch together talking about what you thought the first time you met . . . or when you realized you...
Jan 01, 1970 / Dating Your Spouse



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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