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50 Reasons to Celebrate Your Husband or Wife

As the years tick away, it's easy to treat your anniversary like it's no big deal. Well, even if you don't have an elaborate celebration, taking the time to honor your commitment can be uplifting for your marriage. Each year should be a little different, try these 10 ways to make your next anniversary the best ever to change things up. At the very least get a card that says how much your spouse means to you. Then,...
Jan 01, 1970 / General

Give a Book to Your Children

Most toys and clothes will eventually end up broken or worn out. But if you give your child a book, they'll have something to carry with them throughout life. Pick out a special book for each of your children every Christmas. Write some loving words inside the cover, date it, and sign your name. You can start when your children are young. Choose books about something they like, such as animals, sports, or choose a...
Jan 01, 1970 / School and Learning

Teacher Appreciation Day

The teachers I know tell me it's being an involved parent. Teachers invest a lot of their life into your child. They spend countless hours preparing lessons, grading papers and pouring knowledge into the minds of the children in their care. In most cases, the only time they hear from a parent is when something goes wrong. So if you really want to show your appreciation, be a present parent. Get involved in...
Jan 01, 1970 / School and Learning

Automatic Reply

Your email has a feature that sends out a quick response to whoever's trying to contact you. That's fine for emails, but many of us carry that auto-reply mode into our daily conversations. Your kids ask you to play with them after work. Your auto reply is, "Not right now." Your spouse asks you to help with something around the house, without missing a beat, you reply, "I'm busy now. I'll do it later." Well,...
Jan 01, 1970 / Relationships and Communication

Hang up the Phone

OK…you're at a ball field and you notice a mom and daughter arriving for a game. For 10 minutes, Mom talks enthusiastically. She laughs, she jokes … but it's not with her daughter…it's with her friend…on the phone! Mom never makes eye contact with her daughter, never talks with her or encourages her before the big game. Sound familiar? If so, take advantage of the time that you have with your kids. You never...
Jan 01, 1970 / Relationships and Communication

One Word Answers

"How was your day?" "Fine." "What did you do at school today?" "Nothing." Sound familiar? We expect them to share their thoughts and feelings on our schedule, but it doesn't happen that way. We have to be patient and we have to be available when they are ready to open up. You never know when it is coming. When it does, you'd better stop whatever you're doing and listen, because the opportunity may not come...
Jan 01, 1970 / Relationships and Communication

How to Apologize to Your Child

From athletes on steroids to physically abusive rap stars, red-handed corporate executives to red-faced politicians, we have heard apologies galore lately. But does simply saying, "I'm sorry" to your child mean you've taken responsibility for your mistakes? No. Sometimes it just means you're sorry you got caught. There's more to saying sorry to your child than that. A true apology comes with acknowledging what...
Jan 01, 1970 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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